题目:The Past, Present, and Future of Economics: A Celebration of the 125-Year Anniversary of the JPE and of Chicago Economics
作者:Hugo F. Sonnenschein, Ufuk Akcigit, Nancy L. Stokey
文献出处:Journal of Political Economy, 2017, 125(6): 1723–1930.
主讲人:黄昊 博士
内容摘要:Since the 125th Anniversary Review Special Issue includes the 28 research object of economics, The three topics below have to be chosen to share with everyone, which mostly relate to the public finance: “Chicago and the Origins of Modern General Equilibrium”, “Economic Growth: The Past, the Present, and the Future”, and “Aggregative Fiscal Policy”
Indeed, what could possibly be more general than general equilibriumtheory? Hugo Sonnenschein reflects on the role of “Chicago and the Origins of Modern General Equilibrium” in his essay, juxtaposing the Arrow-Debreu Walrasian analysis to the excess demand function approach and discussing the role of preference orderings,.
Ufuk Akcigit writes about “Economic Growth,” its crucial impact on the welfare of nations, and the crucial role of innovations for understanding the growth process itself.
A crucial aggregate dimension of political choice is “Aggregative Fiscal Policy,” as summarized by Nancy Stokey, highlighting in particular the role of government debt financing.
125周年回顾特刊包括经济学的28个研究对象,选择其中三个与公共财政密切相关的主题和大家分享,它们分别是 “芝加哥与现代一般均衡的起源”,“经济增长:过去,现在,和未来”和“总体财政政策”。
实际上,什么可能比一般均衡理论更普遍? Hugo Sonnenschein在他的论文中反思了“芝加哥学派”对“现代一般均衡理论的起源”的作用,对Arrow-Debreu Walrasian一般均衡分析方法与超额需求函数方法进行了对比分析,并讨论序数论的作用。
Ufuk Akcigit认为“经济增长”,它对国家福利的有着至关重要的影响,而创新的作用对于理解增长过程本身是尤为关键的。
正如Nancy Stokey所总结的那样,一个政治选择的关键的总体维度是“总体财政政策”,尤其需要强调的是政府债务融资的作用。